Ibizan Hound

The Ibizan Hound resembles a deer, featuring a slim and graceful build. They walk with a smooth, flowing motion, where legs on one side move in unison, much like a horse's trot. This breed is known for its impressive agility, stamina, and quickness, having been developed to navigate the rough landscapes of the Spanish island of Ibiza. Their fur can be either short or wiry and comes in different colors, including white, vivid red, chestnut, and a unique fawn hue known as “lion.”

Quick Info

White, a bright red chestnut, or “lion” (a rare fawn shade), with or without white
11 to 14 years
23 to 28 inches
45 to 50 pounds


The Ibizan Hound is a loving and emotional breed that shows strong loyalty to its family. While they can be distant and self-reliant around strangers, they are known to express their unhappiness when left alone. The best owners for these dogs will have ample space for them to play and move around freely.


The Ibizan Hound looks similar to dogs seen in Egyptian art dating back to 3,400 B.C. It is believed that Phoenician sailors introduced them to Ibiza, Spain, around the 8th century B.C. This breed flourished on the remote island due to its keen vision, quickness, agility, and skill in moving over rocky ground. The Ibizan Hound made its way to the United States during the 1950s.

Ideal Owner

If you have a large yard and enjoy playful activities like jumping and following scents, the Ibizan Hound might be the perfect fit for you. These dogs are amusing, playful, and quirky, and their unique appearance will likely lead to many questions from others. Although they can be a bit challenging to train, Ibizan Hounds are great at showing affection and love to cuddle with their owners.

Exercise Needs

The Ibizan Hound is a lively and energetic breed that enjoys plenty of exercise. When they are off-leash, be cautious—this is their favorite pastime. If they catch a glimpse or smell something interesting, they will dash off and may not listen to you. These dogs are very nimble and can leap quite high. They tend to get chilly easily and dislike rain, so it's wise to put a coat on them when walking on a leash or during bad weather.

Space Requirements

The Ibizan Hound doesn’t need much room inside your home. Just expect them to jump up beside you and ask for cuddles. They thrive better in places with open land, like suburbs or the countryside, since city living can be too much for them. Having a tall, secure fence in your yard will keep these agile dogs safe.


The Ibizan Hound requires additional encouragement to stay focused during training sessions. Using gentle and caring techniques along with positive rewards is beneficial, as these dogs can be quite sensitive. Having a strong recall is essential, but it may not always be dependable due to their natural instincts. It’s crucial to expose Ibizan Hound puppies and adult dogs to various people and other pets for proper socialization.


No matter if they have short or rough fur, grooming an Ibizan Hound is easy. Their coats require little care and can be brushed in no time.

Suitability for Family Life

Ibizan Hounds are well-suited for older kids who can handle their lively and gentle nature. They may not be the best choice for families with younger children or those that are very active and loud.

Did You know?

Ibizan Hounds walk with a smooth and easy style, where the legs on one side of their body move at the same time.

Similar Breeds

Need to Know

Dogs suitable for experienced owners
Extra training required
Generally healthy breed
Enjoys active walks
Large dog
Minimal drool
Requires frequent grooming
Quiet dog