Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdogs have a sturdy, square build and are surprisingly nimble despite their size. Their bodies are wider at the back than at the front, which gives them a unique, bouncy walk similar to that of a bear. When you can see their eyes through their fluffy fur, they can be dark brown, blue, or even one of each color. These dogs are smart, alert, and wonderful companions for kids.

Quick Info

Any shade of gray, grizzle, or blue with or without white markings
10 to 12 years
20 to 24 inches
60 to 100 pounds


Old English Sheepdogs are cheerful big dogs known for their smarts, affection, and friendliness. They enjoy being around people and are polite pets, making them great companions for families.


For many years, Old English Sheepdogs have been known for herding cattle, even though their name suggests they work with sheep. Their roots can be traced back to Scotland, Russia, and parts of Europe, rather than England. Although they are often called sheepdogs, their wool was actually clipped alongside sheep and used to make clothing. These dogs made their way to America in the early 1900s.

Ideal Owner

Perfect owners for an Old English Sheepdog will love taking long strolls, playing games, and hanging out with their dog. They should also be ready to spend plenty of time on grooming, as the dog’s big, fluffy fur needs regular care.

Exercise Needs

Even though Old English Sheepdogs are big, they require plenty of exercise every day. These dogs have a lot of energy and need someone who can keep up with them during playtime. They enjoy spending time with their owners, so activities like long walks, hikes, or running together will make them very happy.

Space Requirements

Big dogs require plenty of room to move around. Old English Sheepdogs, bred for life and work in the countryside, thrive in open spaces where they can explore and enjoy freedom. If you live in the suburbs, it's important to have a spacious yard and take them on long walks every day. Having an outdoor shower for grooming would be a great extra feature.


The Old English Sheepdog is a very smart breed; once they pick up a skill, it sticks with them. However, they can lose interest if training becomes too repetitive. Therefore, it’s important for owners to keep training enjoyable and rewarding, and to change things up often for both puppies and adult dogs of this breed.


Their fluffy look is one reason they are so cute, but keeping them groomed can be a bit of a chore. Old English Sheepdogs lose their fur regularly, so it’s important for owners to dedicate time to prevent their two layers of fur from tangling. Regularly brushing all the way to the skin is necessary. Trimming their fur can also be beneficial. Additionally, it’s important to check their paws since small objects can get caught in their fur and cause discomfort.

Suitability for Family Life

The Old English Sheepdog is a wonderful choice for a family pet. These dogs are affectionate, devoted, and very protective of their loved ones. On the downside, they are quite big and have a natural instinct to herd smaller creatures, which can include young kids.

Did You know?

In the American Industrial era, Old English Sheepdogs were seen as a sign of wealth and prestige. The five wealthiest families at that time—the Vanderbilts, Guggenheims, Morgans, Goulds, and Harrisons—all had one of these dogs. Additionally, Paul McCartney is famous for his love of Old English Sheepdogs and has owned several. One of these dogs even graced the cover of an album.

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Need to Know

Suitable for experienced owners
Extra training required
Need to be aware of potential health issues
Enjoys vigorous walks
Can be left alone occasionally with training
Large dog
Some drool
Requires frequent grooming