
Interestingly, Pomeranians trace their lineage back to strong sled dogs from the Arctic. Through careful breeding, these dogs were gradually made smaller. When they came to England with Queen Charlotte, they were significantly larger, weighing between 20 and 30 pounds. Before long, other members of royalty, like Queen Victoria, became fond of Pomeranians. Victoria promoted the breed, proudly displaying them at dog shows and often winning awards. After her time, the breed continued to shrink, leading to the cute little fluff balls we recognize today. They made their way to America around the early 1900s and have remained beloved pets ever since.
Ideal Owner

If you enjoy snuggling, taking brief strolls, and styling hair, you could be an ideal Pomeranian parent. Engaging in play helps keep Pomeranians mentally stimulated and prevents them from getting into trouble, so having an owner who knows plenty of fun activities is a big plus.