
Poodles are highly smart dogs that learn quickly. They are nimble and elegant, often enjoying the spotlight, which helps them do well in activities like agility, obedience, and tracking, as well as in dog competitions. On the other hand, a Poodle that is not mentally stimulated can become a handful, so it’s important to keep them engaged with activities, games, and challenges. They thrive on positive reinforcement and enjoyable training experiences.

Standard Poodles don’t lose hair and are sometimes acceptable for those with allergies, though not always. Their fur needs a lot of attention, needing professional washing, grooming, and trimming every four to six weeks, along with daily brushing to prevent tangles. If the fur gets tangled, it has to be shaved off completely and grown back from the beginning. Because of this, many owners choose to maintain a shorter haircut for their Poodles. You can also teach yourself to groom them to save money and trips to the groomer, but remember that proper grooming requires special tools.