
The Whippet was created by crossing Greyhounds with terriers to improve their speed and skills in catching rodents. During the Industrial Revolution, the breed became more refined. Many farm workers relocated to urban areas, bringing their small dogs along. Owners of Whippets were very proud of their pets, often sharing their food and letting them sleep in their children's beds. These dogs were cherished as friends and appreciated for their beauty. Although it took time for them to gain popularity, their graceful look and friendly nature attracted many admirers.
Ideal Owner

If you're okay with sharing your bed, can handle some quirks about the weather, and are willing to have a few dog clothes, a Whippet might be a great fit for you. It’s easy to overlook that these dogs were first raised for hunting, so you’ll need to invest time and patience to teach your Whippet to come back when called and to keep them from chasing small animals in your yard. In return, they will shower you with love and snuggles, especially if you let them snuggle under the blankets with you.