
The history of the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog breed is well recorded and began in the mid-1800s when a mix of twenty dogs from seven different breeds took place. Edward Korthals from Holland is recognized for developing this breed, which is commonly referred to as the Korthals Griffon in many parts of the world. Although it originated in the Netherlands, the breed became more popular in France due to Korthals’ travels. At times, they were called Russian Setters, and the first Wirehaired Pointing Griffon registered in America was listed as a Russian Setter in 1887. Although this breed is not as widely known today, they are still wonderful companions and hardworking dogs.
Ideal Owner

A person who owns a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon (WPG) should be considerate, lively, and full of energy to keep up with the dog's character. These dogs are kind and affectionate, and they want to make their owners happy, which makes training enjoyable. However, they can get restless and dissatisfied if they don’t have enough challenges, so it’s important for owners to ensure they get plenty of physical activity and mental exercises.