
Smart and loving, the Yorkiepoo has a fierce bark that surprises many given its tiny stature. This little dog is a perfect companion, combining traits from the Yorkshire Terrier and the Poodle, usually the Toy variety but sometimes the Miniature. They are a timeless choice for those seeking a small yet lively friend.

Quick Info

11 to 15 years
7 to 15 inches
4 to 15 pounds


These brave, determined, and loyal dogs often have a big bark that seems bigger than their small size. Yorkiepoos are smart and enjoy being close to their owners, accompanying them wherever they go. Similar to Poodles, they have lively minds and can be quite amusing. They enjoy picking up new tricks and playing games, particularly those that let them act like terriers, such as digging, tugging, or tearing things apart. They act as if they are much bigger, barking loudly to greet anyone who comes to the door.


The Yorkie Poodle mix is a relatively new breed, created to be a small dog that doesn’t shed and is great for companionship. The Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle have much older origins. The Yorkshire Terrier comes from England and Scotland and was first bred in the mid-1800s to catch rats in factories. Over time, they became popular among the rich and were bred to be more like pets. The Poodle originated in Germany as a dog that retrieved items from water. (Their classic grooming style involves shaving most of their body to swim better, while leaving fluffy pom-poms around important areas for protection.) Like the Yorkshire Terrier, Poodles also became favorites among the wealthy as circus performers and pets. So, if your little Yorkie Poodle mix wants to play fetch, it’s no surprise given their background as water retrievers.

Ideal Owner

Yorkiepoos love to snuggle on cushions beside their humans and are perfectly suited for cozy places like apartments. They don’t require a lot of exercise and can adjust easily to life in the city, but they can be quite vocal, often sharing their thoughts. They thrive with both single owners and families, as long as someone is around most of the day or they can join their owners when they go out.

Exercise Needs

Yorkshire Terriers don’t require a lot of exercise, but they still need some along with mental challenges. A daily walk of around 30 minutes to an hour is usually enough for them, along with various games, tricks, and training to keep their minds busy. If they don’t get enough activity, they may get restless, leading to excessive barking or even destructive behavior.

Space Requirements

Yorkiepoos feel content as long as they are close to their owners, have a cozy place to snuggle, and enjoy a couple of walks each day.


Yorkiepoos are known for being “too clever for their own sake,” and many owners are amazed by their intelligence. It's essential to include fun activities like tricks, games, and puzzles in their training to keep their minds engaged. Teaching them basic skills, such as walking on a leash or responding to their name, is also crucial. Keep in mind that Yorkiepoos have a history of working: you might be surprised to see one dash after a fast-moving object, their tiny legs moving quickly. They also need to interact with others to build their confidence around people and other pets.


The grooming needs for these floppy-eared dogs with button-like eyes can be quite different. Some may have curly fur similar to Poodles, while others might sport long, smooth hair like Yorkshire Terriers. Generally, they don’t lose much hair, which is great for people with allergies. Their fur usually needs regular attention, like trimming and brushing, but because they are small, it won’t take too much time. Poodles can face ear issues, so it’s essential to keep a Yorkiepoo’s ears clean to prevent annoying ear infections.

Suitability for Family Life

A Yorkiepoo can be a cherished pet for the family if their needs for exercise and mental stimulation are fulfilled, and they aren’t left by themselves for too long. If they feel neglected, they might get a bit mischievous. It's important to introduce them to young kids properly to prevent any unwanted behavior.

Did You know?

A lot of famous people and well-known figures are fond of Yorkiepoos because of their spirited nature. Weighing around 15 pounds at most, these dogs are easy to bring along as companions. Yorkiepoos are also known by names like Yoodles or Yorkiedoodles.

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Need to Know

Suitable for non-experienced owners
Extra training required
Generally healthy breed
Enjoys active walks
Minimal drool
High maintenance grooming
Chatty and vocal dog
Barks and alerts to visitors/anything unusual